The RECIPIENTS tab in every EventKingdom Online event allows you to manage your sending and your recipient / guests with ease. Main features include; "Adding recipients", "Editing recipients", "Personalization", "Tagging recipients", "Accompany settings", "Sending", "Scheduling", "RSVP status", "Filtering" and much more.
Guest management
- Can I view an Event History for each contact in a CRM overview?
- Can I export Messages written by recipients or guests?
- Can I define guest contingents for specific guests to be able to register/bring?
- Can I set a guest limit for my total guest count and enable a waiting list?
- How do I print my Recipient list?
- How can I export my recipient list? See all 8 articles
Monitoring your sending
- Why is the GREEN number in the monitoring stats smaller than the GREEN number below the recipient list?
- How can I make sure that every recipient receives the sending?
- How can I keep my sendings from landing in spam?
- When should reminders for event planning be sent?
- What do the different colors for monitoring mean?
- How to send the perfect email invitation?
- Can I attach a PDF to my sendings?
- Can I add personalization to the Email Subject or to the optional message text in an email?
- Can I schedule a birthday card and upload dates of birth
- Where can I edit Sender name and Email subject?
- What if I wish to send multiple personal invitations to the same email address? See all 11 articles
Edit recipient
- Can I add a company name to the online envelope?
- Can two recipients have the same email address?
- Can a recipient update his data during the reply process?
- How do I edit the number of guests for a recipient?
- Can I edit the position of the recipient's name on the envelope?
- Why is there a 2nd name option for a recipient? See all 8 articles
Add recipients
- How do I add accompanying guests (plus 1) to recipients?
- What happens if I upload contacts, that are already in my address book of EventKingdom?
- Can I add recipients using the TAG functionality?
- Can I create lists from events in the past?
- Can I add recipients from my address book?
- Can I import contacts from Gmail and other mail providers? See all 10 articles