Animation Preview of card(s) and envelope in email
As of July 2023 you can group your personalized cards and virtual envelope as a preview animation and send directly in your emails. Allow your recipients to get a glimpse of your beautiful sending before clicking to view.
Animated example with envelope and thank you cards
The below image is what your recipients will see in their emails.
They can click on the image and view the whole sending and reply to your card or to an invitation.
In the DESIGN Tab of your event you can find "DISPLAY OPTIONS" to the left of your displayed card or envelope:
Check the check box if you wish to use this animation in your emails.
You can click on "view animation" to preview this animation.
You can also use this animation when you remove the envelope and have more than 1 card.
Holiday Example:
Vernisage Art Invitation Example
This feature helps you present more images, e.g. pictures of paintings you wish to show, to your recipients before they click on the sending.
You can upload up to 8 images "as cards" and group them in an Animated Image.
We hope this article was helpful.
Your EK Team