How can I close my event?

Close Event

 Most customers wish to close their event in order to not allow any more recipients to reply / RSVP.


You can easily set a Guest limit for your event by going to the REPLY PAGE tab of your event.

On the REPLY PAGE tab please go to the REPLY OPTIONS Section.

Here is where you can set a GUEST LIMIT.

Please set one which is below the number of Accepted guests on the tab RECIPIENTS.

What do your guests see?

Your guests see a message that the guest limit has been reach and that they can contact the host by sending a message.


With our assistance it is also possible to set a Reply Date for your event.

For this please book the Professional or Enterprise plans.

A Reply Date means that your recipients / visitors (if your event is option) cant reply after a definded date.

What do your guests see?

Your guests see a message that the Reply Date has been reach and that they can contact the host by sending a message.


Please note that in both options above a message box is still available for your guests / visitors. This allows them to easily send you as host a message.

If you wish for this message box to also be removed, then we can do this for you.

For this service please book the Professional or Enterprise plan.


Thank you.

We hope this article was helpful.

Your EK Team


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