Virtual and Hybrid Events
In addition to in person events you can design and organize virtual and hybrid events easily.
Please view the different options to integrate your virtual event into your EventKingdom invitation.
Option 1: Virtual Event Link in Event Details
Please go to the tab REPLY PAGE and then to the section EVENT DETAILS. Please choose the Venue option "Virtual" and describe your virtual location button and enter your virtual event link.
Please do not forget to define the Time Zone of your virtual event.
The Time Zone is important when guests from other parts of the world save your event to their calendars.
If your event is at 8 pm Berlin, Germany time, then your guests in e.g. New York will need to attend your virtual event at 2 pm EST.
Option 2: Link card to your virtual event location
Please go to the tab DESIGN and click on the card you wish to add your link to.
You can add your link to 1 card or to multiple cards.
Option 3: Links card(s) and add virtual event info to Event Details
You can of course also do both.
You can go to the tab DESIGN and link cards as you wish and you can go to the tab REPLY PAGE and then EVENT DETAILS and add your virtual event info there.
Similar to virtual events you have multiple options to add your virtual content or location info to your in person event invitation - creating a hybrid event.
Option 1: Virtual Event Link in Event Details
Please go to the tab REPLY PAGE and then to the section EVENT DETAILS. Please choose the Venue option "Hybrid" and describe your virtual location button and enter your virtual event link.
Option 2: Link card to your virtual event location
Please go to the tab DESIGN and click on the card you wish to add your link to.
You can add your link to 1 card or to multiple cards.
Option 3: Links card(s) and add virtual event info to Event Details
You can of course also do both.
You can go to the tab DESIGN and link cards as you wish and you can go to the tab REPLY PAGE and then EVENT DETAILS and add your virtual event info there.
Option 4: Video Streaming integration
You can easily add a VIDEO BOX to any card and integrate your streaming link e.g. from Youtube, Vimeo etc.
To learn more about integrating videos please click here.
Hybrid Event for your recipients
Option 1: Virtual event link integration on Event Details - displayed on INFO tab of your event.
Please see the example below of how your recipients see the event details of a Hybrid Event.
Your guests see the in person event location address with a maps display including a direct link to get directions.
Additionally your guests see comments you added and the direct button linked to the virtual event location.
Option 2: Live Stream integration on one of your cards.
Your recipients have all they need in one invitation / Event. Your recipients can view their invitation, reply and also find the streaming content easily when your event takes place.
We hope that this article was helpful and inspiring.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Your EK Team