PDF Attachment for sendings
Yes, as of 2021 it is possible to send EventKingdom Online Invitations, Save the dates or Cards with a PDF Attachment.
The PDF Attachment feature is possible as of the Professional Plan.
Admin assistance is important here, since the attached file needs to be checked and approved.
Sendings with and without a PDF Attachment
When sending from the tab RECIPIENTS a confirmation window is always opened beforehand.
Here is where you can edit the Sender Name, the Email Subject and add a message to the sending.
Additionally in this example is the option to Attach a file or not. (Bottom part of the image.)
Where else can my recipients access the PDF Attachment?
The PDF Attachment is not only accessible to your recipients in your emails, but also on the Reply Page of your event or card sending (in the info section).
We hope this article was helpful.
Please book one of our plans if you are interested in the PDF Attachment and reach out to us.
Thank you,
Your EK Team