What envelope display options can I choose from?

Envelope display options

Where do I find the envelope display options:

Please login to your account and then go to ACCOUNT / MY EVENTS

Please click on the event of your choice.

Please go to the DESIGN tab of your event.


You can find the envelope design section either:

1.  In the left side navigation - ENVELOPE tab or

2. by clicking on the small envelope icon above the card or envelope in the large right side display.

After entering the ENVELOPE section please click on the small OPTIONS tab on the right side.

What display options do I have?

You have 4 options.

1. Full front and back envelope animation

You can choose to display the front of the envelope in the sending (email, WhatsApp, Facebook etc)  and display the full front and back envelope animation (incl. turning and opening animation) in the browser.

2. Back envelope animation

You can choose to display the front of the envelope in the sending (email, WhatsApp, Facebook etc) 

and display only the back envelope animation (opening animation) in the browser.

3. No envelope animation

You can choose to display the front of the envelope in the sending (email, WhatsApp, Facebook etc) and link directly to the first card of your sending - so using no envelope animation in the browser

4. No envelope

You can choose to remove the envelope from your sending (email, WhatsApp, Facebook etc). In this case the 1st card of your sending will be display in the sending (email, WhatsApp, Facebook etc) and will link to the card display in the browser.


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