It is important for you to understand that the cards and reply page you design are online.
When your recipients click on the envelope e.g. in the email they received, the browser opens and the envelope animation starts or the card is displayed.
The card(s) that are displayed in the browser are always your latest version. Recipients might open your sending a second time later – in case you changed your design or text in the meanwhile, the recipient will see the NEW version, when he opens it after your changes.
So, if you designed your card and after having sent it to e.g. 10 recipients, maybe you notice a spelling error on the card and correct it, your recipients will see the corrected version – when they open it after you corrected it.
This is also important when you are sending e.g. thank you cards to individual recipients.
If you wish to edit personal text for each recipient, you need to copy your first event into new events for every recipient.
Please do not send the card from the recipient list and then go back to the DESIGN tab, change the text for a 2nd recipient and then go back to the RECIPIENTS list and send to this 2nd recipient.
If the 1st recipient opens his sending after you edited "his" text on the card, he will see the card text you wrote for the 2nd recipient etc.