How can I export my recipient list?

Please go to your RECIPIENTS list.

Here you will find in the top right corner a button EXPORT.

NOTE: You can filter your list as you wish and then click EXPORT.

(The export file contains what your recipient list displays when you click the EXPORT button.)

When you click the EXPORT button a popup will open.

The standard export includes all infos and does not count any accompany rows which have a 0.

There are 3 checkboxes in the popup:

- including address information (This is prechecked. If you uncheck it, the email and postal address of your recipients will not be exported.)

- export names in 2 columns (Please check this box if you need your recipient's names to be in 2 columns, especially if you need the last name in a separate column.)

- include empty accompanies in the guest count (Please check this if you e.g. are using a different CHECK IN tool and want to include the "possibilty of a recipient bringing an accompany" even though he did not add one during his reply.)

Please note that we launched a very efficient and easy to use CHECK IN ASSISTANT in 2017.



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