Can two recipients have the same email address?

Not on the same recipient list.

Generally we recommend to use 1 email address for each recipient.

If you have only 1 email address and need to send multiple personal sendings to this one email address, then we recommend:

1. Impersonal option: Booking the Professional Plan and opening your event and forwarding an impersonal sending, to which recipients can register with their names and emails.

2. Personal option: Sending 1 sending to a first recipient and adding the others just by name to your list. You can then use the Send to yourself option - to send each personal sending to yourself and then forward them to the email address you have.

Existing event recipient lists do not get updated if changes are made to the address book or new event recipient lists are loaded.

So, you can, if you wish create 1 event with a recipient A and email A and then create a 2nd event with recipient B and email A.

Please note that your address book is always updated to the last name used for a specific email address, since an email address is unique.


Hope this article was helpful.

Please contact us if you have any questions.


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